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Component List

Combine unlimited feature options with the power of fully customized app development. Get what you want and pay for only what you need. 

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Social media feed

Change the text and make it your own. Click Social media feeds shows the all post (images , videos and Quotes) posted on the apps across the begin editing.

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Rate and Review

Rate and review helps to segrate the good and bad behavior of the any type of client those who are using the app in any way.

it provide rating to app users.

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Create Post

Create post component  gives facility to post the images, video, and text where all registered users will be able to see the post and comment and like it.



Chat connect  two users for conversion and share their thoughts.

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Invite Friends

Invite friends component helps to connect with your friends , family or any other device also it helps for marketing , promotional,and connectivity purpose.



Catalouge component provide the list of product or services you can list/provide in app.It provides the choice for customer to choose the service/prodcut from the given list.



Tracking component track the driver movement during the ride and before ride start , it provides rider benefits to track the driver during the ride.



Coupon component helps to distribute the offers and discounts to clients and customer. Offers and discounts are send in form of coupon codes to customer.



The payment component gives the facility to do transactions and payments within the app. This component can be integrated with various payment gateways and providers.

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