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What is Social Feed and it's Benefits to add into your app


Activity feeds or so-called social feed is that section of your app which is common to all users wherein your users can react, comment and like as per their preferences. Activity feeds, have a number of benefits that can skyrocket the app’s engagement rates.

How adding Activity feed in your section can grow your business engagement’s leaps & bounds People around the world use apps for different purposes. Someone has to become fit, someone is using these platforms as a communication channel, and someone is obsessed with creating fun videos. But one thing that every user of these popular apps find themselves doing probably every single day is constantly scrolling through the activity feed or social feeds for the updates. This feature gets users enticed in no time and creates a habit that contributes to app’s hyper enagement and foster quick growth in very less time

Why you must have an social feed/activity feed

· Activity feed data helps companies to take quick decision of change in trend and upcoming trends analysis which helps to sell more by knowing what exactly their audiences want from you.

· News feed help you drive engagement and increase retention by enabling you and your users to interact with each other right within your app. Life is all about finding same preferences who might have same taste as you, who orders same dress as you order or dine at same restaurant as you. The more things such things go on to become communities with similar preferences which inherits by default loyalties among users.

· The Activity Feed is a great way to learn more about how consumers are interacting with your business upcoming trends.

· Recent examples of FitBit a Health App intergarting Social feed in their app which helps achieve massive growth in quickest time.The effect which transformed its dull sets of users into active users in the app was only possible because of Adding Social Feed in their app

· In short having an Social feed section in your App can boost Retention; Engagement; Virility & Monetization altogether at a different level.

Integrating a social news feed can boost your apps' success!

Activity feeds can be successfully integrated and used in many different app categories, e.g. travel, gaming, eCommerce, health, education, etc

Builds social news feeds in hours with our robust integrations..more sumit can add here

Upgrade your app experience with social News Feed

At sWorks Social you can integrate Social feeds which is scalable, affordable & Robust.

You can integrate image, video & text-based social feed in your app with like, comments & more with ease and hassle-free.

At sWorks Social all following measure has been taken care in depth to give the best user experience.

1. Performance

Performance is the speed at which content is delivered to users, and how responsive the system is.

1.1. Processing time

Interactions with the server which require processing, such as login and requesting thumbnails of images, videos should take less than three seconds.

1.2. Response time

Over reasonably common internet connection speeds, the server should respond to client requests in less than one second.

1.3. Querying time

Querying the database should take less that one second.

2. Capacity and scalability

The capacity is the amount of resources made available to the system, and scalability is the ability of the system to make use of these resources.

2.1. Storage

The system must store data effectively and must anticipate the time remaining until all available storage is filled up.

2.2. Growth requirement

As the system gets used more often, by more people, the storage available will need to increase.

2.3. Throughput

The system should be capable of 1000 queries per minute, with the provision to increase capability with larger demands.

2.4 Extensibility

The system should be designed in such a way to accommodate future development across different platforms and different add-ons.

3. Availability

Availability is the proportion of time that the system is online.

3.1. Hours of operation

The system should be always available during the hours it is most popular. Any maintenance where the system needs to be taken offline should be done outside these times.

3.2. Locations of operation

The geographic location of the server should not impede the availability of the system. This means a location with a good quality connection and with minimal network restriction should be chosen.

4. Maintainability

Maintainability describes how well the system can be kept functional and how well it can be changed.

4.1. Architectural standards

Accepted standards and design patterns should be used in the construction of the base architecture

4.2. Coding standards

The code should be built modularly; such that independent parts accomplish independent tasks. Common and well-known coding styles should be utilized.

5. Recovery

Recovery is the ability for a system to prepare and respond to a disaster.

5.1. Backups

The system should be responsible for taking backups of data, such that it may be restored to a working state.

5.2. Backup frequency

The system should backup data very frequently (e.g. every hour) to avoid any data loss.

5.3. Backup time

The system should backup in a short period of time (e.g. one minute) with minimal disruption.

5.4. Recovery time

In event of a disaster, the latest backup should be immediately restored, such that the system is offline for less than one hour

6. Security and privacy

Due to potentially sensitive information being contained within the database, the system should facilitate security and privacy.

6.1. Authentication

Users must be logged in in order to see posts and people’s profiles.

6.2. Authorization

Users must be friends with a person in order to see their profile. Users must be a resident of a room in order to see posts within it.

6.3. Withholding of sensitive information

Passwords must not be stored within the system or revealed to users.

6.4. Privacy

Users must be able to choose how who can see their profiles and posts.

6.5. Encryption

The system should make use of encryption to ensure that data is stored securely. For example, passwords should be stored as SHA1 hashes. Connections should be encrypted to prevent unauthorized listening of communication.

7. Mobility

Mobility describes the suitability of the system for different platforms.

7.1. Mobile devices

The system should be operational on a wide spectrum of operating conditions, such as different screen sizes, performance, and internet connection speed.

7.2. Input devices

The system should make effective use of input devices on the mobile device. For example, the camera should be used for photo and barcode scanning.

If you are looking for a one-stop solution that builds feeds fast, without managing infrastructure sWorks is a reliable solution.


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